Marisa: The Locker one is fierce 3.12.09, 8:14AM
Cedric: omg dude....these pics rock. plus you look so different with hair....your skinnyer too. 3.10.09, 8:04PM
Shawna: Yay, I'm so glad you like them, Joy! Christy :: The Senior Portrait Queen! Thanks for the kind words :) Katie :: Thanks! 3.9.09, 1:13PM
Katie Simpkins: wow, these look amazing! 3.8.09, 1:12PM
Joy: These are great, Shawna!! Can't wait until I show them to Josh - he had looked at your website and made the comment he hoped his turned out like the ones on the site and I think they did!! Thanks so much! 3.7.09, 10:55AM
Christy: VERY NICE! 3.7.09, 9:07AM