Angela Chin: What a great set of photos Shauna! They're hilarious! I wish we had a point and shoot - ya know, so I could take a picture with my best friend Jessica :P. Tell Kory we say hi! 3.5.09, 9:23PM
emily griffith: HAHAHAHAHA....STILL laughing! I'm totally impressed that you can fly! 2.25.09, 11:58PM
MArisa: Looks like you had such a great time!!! 2.25.09, 3:28PM
Christy: These are so great. I laughed so hard at some of them. We are going next year. Well I am for sure. 2.24.09, 9:32PM
MOM: How many cigs did you smoke in that ashtray? Great photos, I love the butt shots outside Caeser's Palace. 2.24.09, 2:41PM
kelli nicole: Lol! These are so fun!!! I love all the ones of Kory pretending to hold something up, kiss the billboard girl, etc. Hilarious. And thanks for the blog love! 2.24.09, 2:25PM